It is with the heaviest of hearts that we had to say goodbye to Popeye on September 17, 2020. He lived a full life in his 12 years and greatly enjoyed his retirement years. Popeye was born on July 27, 2008 and found his purpose in life in 2010 when he became the first Mussel Dog. Debi and Popeye were loyal partners as they successfully worked to launch the Mussel Dog concept and business. They traveled the country spreading the word and demonstrating a canines efficiency at detecting mussels. Popeye enjoyed work trips to California, Iowa, Nevada, and Washington. Popeye was even involved in studies proving that canines can find mussel veligers. Popeye also starred in an episode of the Chuck and Andy Show, which is aired in Canada. You can find the link on our home page. He was an incredible canine with an impeccable work ethic. He was the face, nose and heart of Mussel Dogs!

Popeye was also a particular canine, especially when it came to his work attire. Beth Steinkraus, who worked with Popeye, shared a charming Popeye story. Beth called Debi one day because Popeye was acting a little off and seemed uninterested in working. Debi immediately asked if Popeye had on his booties, as he preferred to work with his work boots on. Beth hadn't put Popeye's booties on, as it wasn't hot out. Once she placed his work "kicks" on, he was more than eager to work! He knew what he wanted to accomplish his job well.

Popeye retired in September of 2017. Below is his last day of work.

He enjoyed lazy days with his people, Jim and Debi DeShon. He welcomed Debi and Jim's children and grandchildren with open paws. He was incredibly gentle with young children and all his "grandchildren" deeply loved him.

He loved playing with any ball and destroying any squeaky toy he could find. He became a master thief during his retirement years and was quick to go through any bag around and loved trading stuffed animals with his "grandchildren". He'd make sure to be around when Debi was packing bags for other handlers, just so he could remove the toy when her back was turned. His absolute favorite thing to do was to go to the car wash on Saturday's with Jim and get a dog treat. Popeye was so incredibly loved and will forever be greatly missed.